What’s your name sir? my name is deez

What’s your name sir? my name is deez sound effect meme download free mp3

Views: 716

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About What’s your name sir? my name is deez Sound Effect

the origin of the sound what your name sir? my name is deez. is from a confrontation video of a man who is refusing to leave a private property when is asked. 



what’s your name sir my name is deez,
what’s your name sir my name is deez meme,
what’s your name sir my name is deez deez what sir


What’s your name sir? my name is deez is a sound from our meme soundboard library by dj lunatique

This sound belongs to the category of . In this category you have all meme sound effects, sound clips that you can play instant from our sound board library, download and share for free.


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